Friday, June 27, 2008

Sonic Youth @ Battery Park 4th of JULY

I looked right over this. Sonic Youth is playing a FREE show @ Battery park on the 4th of July. Something tells me, this show is gunna be PACKED! The line is going to stretch from Battery Park to Connecticut. If I was a raging Sonic Youth fan, I would camp out three days in advance, just to insure I get into the venue.

I'm not a "raging" Sonic Youth fan. I like that song called Superstar, that was featured on the Juno soundtrack. "Don't you remember you told me about the baby"?

Anyway, like all FREE OUTDOOR concerts, in NYC, check the weather...Unfortunately, the weather doesn't look good for Friday the 4th of July. According to, it's suppose to rain and thunder and lighting, both during the day, and the darkness.

So much for the god damn concert.


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