Sunday, November 02, 2008

Ting Tings @ Webster Hall (11/1)

Last night I saw the Ting Tings perform @ Webster Hall. It was the 3rd time I've seen them perform in about 4 or 5 months, my first sober show since Vampire Weekend in June, the worst out of the 3 shows I've seen and possibly the worst show I've attended...EVER?

I don't know if it was because I was sober, or because the crowd was so god damn lame, but I didn't have very much fun. I was there STRICTLY there on assignment.

I had the biggest problem with the crowd. There wasn't enough energy, nobody was really dancing, nobody passing around blunts/joints, no pushing to get to the front. Everybody sort of just stayed in their respective area and twisted their bodies around in a very superficial, "I'm pretending to dance" sort of way.

I can't blame the Ting Tings for the lack of excitement, they did what they had to do. There was a moment when they stopped playing, turned up the lights and asked everybody where the hell they were; they made it clear that the crowd wasn't live enough.

"You guys need to start dancing"

The highlights were "Great DJ", "Shut up and Let me Go", "We Started Nothing". The low was when they killed the vibe all together and did that slow song half way through the set.

What I can blame the Ting Tings for is NOT changing their show...AT ALL. I literally could predict what was coming next every step of the way. Pausing for about 15 seconds towards the end of "Shut Up and Let me Go". The interlude between the end of the set and the encore. Opening with "We Walk". They also didn't play for very long. They should really throw in a cover track or two, why not?

All in all, I got some decent footage for the site, so I guess I succeeded in that sense.

Next show:

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