Monday, February 23, 2009

Suburban Bohemian Somethinggg or Otherrr


Suburban Bohemian Somethinggg or Otherrr


I have two blogs, actually three if you count a blog that I own but don't update ( Having one blog is enough for most people, but I need TWO. Why? Because my life is that fucking interesting and DEEP that I need two outlets to express myself. If I had it my way I'd have a bunch more, all dedicated to different aspects of my life; one just for photos, one for travel, one for vices, one for love, one for hate, and so on.

I bring this up because...

In December I was making big plans to take off and go on a trip across the US. I was going to start off by going to California to visit my brother, had plans to go to Florida to visit a friend, Arizona for nothing, down south for Banarroo and god knows where else. Somewhere along the way I wanted to stop off in Philidelphia, which is only about 2 hours from where I live currently.

To chronicle this adventure, I was planning on makign a new blog called Suburban Bohemian Somethinggg or Otherrr (yess, the "sss"s and "rrr"s included).

So what the fuck is a Suburban Bohemian Somethinggg or Otherrr?

So tomorrow I AM going to Philidelphia to get a cheese steak, take photos and see some friends.

I'm taking a gang of cameras so there's gunna be a shit load of photos on the way.

So what the fuck is a Suburban Bohemian Somethinggg or Otherr?

Recently I had this idea I was going to BIKE across the country. Yes, me, BIKE, the guy that hasn't worked out or done anything physical for an ENTIRE year, the guy who nobly lives an unhealthy lifestyle, the man who smokes cigarettes and doesn't drink water because he doesn't like the taste. That man was contemplating taking a bike 3000 miles west, until I read somewhere it would cost a few grand and take 3 months, which is probably bullshit, but discouraging none the less. I think I'll settle for biking to upstate NY or something.

But what the fuck is a Suburban Bohemian Somethinggg or Otherrr?

So I'm off. Not taking a laptop so all the updates will be coming from Twitter! Now is a good time to get your Twitter game up, get an account and follow the Guru.

The Pop Guru

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