Sunday, March 01, 2009

Slept in GC...AGAIN!

Last night I slept in Grand Central...again. I've come to realize that it takes damn near an hour for me to get from Williamsburg to Grand Central. Figure 15 minutes waiting for the L train to Union Square, 10 minute train ride to 14th ST, another 10-15 minutes waiting for the 6 train and then 10 minutes to arrive at Grand Central, NYC public transportation is so damn unreliable-especially at night.

Made smelly homeless people

This time there was nothing exciting or adventurous about sleeping in GC. In fact I wasn't even lucky enough to sleep on a bench. The cops on duty felt like being cunts and made everyone (which was about 40 or 50 people) stand in between a barrier and the door, right next to all the dirty smelly homeless people.

"In 10 years working here, I've never let anyone through after the station closed"

"Oh yeah, I was here a couple weeks ago and I was able to sleep in the waiting room"

I tried to pick a fight with the cop by passing through the barrier several times.

"I need to use the bathroom"

"The station is closed, what don't you understand about that"

"You mean to tell me the bathroom is physically locked?"

This woman slept like this the entire time

It was cold, I was tragically tired, hungover and in need of a comfy bed, and so I sat and waited 3 hours for the train station to open. I had other options; could have headed back downtown and found a bar or party to go to, but realistically speaking, I just wanted to sleep. I would have actually been happy if I could have slept on that bench, the one I slept on the last time I was stranded in NYC.

Dude wanted his photo taken

The station opened @ 5:15 on the dot and luckily my train departed @ 5:30am so I didn't have to wait around any longer. I got on the train and instantly passed out for over an hour. I actually missed my stop and woke up in BPT. This was the first time I missed my stop and the first time I slept through the entire train ride.

So with that said, I learned from my mistake a second time, I think it's about time I find a crash pad in the city.

What a night,

The Popular Guru

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